A professional Engineering and Design Consultancy, established in 1978 to provide a cost effective and flexible, technical and management back up to industry
+ Engineering Design
+ Mechanical Engineering
+ Product Design
+ Product Development
+ Patent Evaluation

+ 2D / 3D Modelling
+ Finite Element Analysis
+ Structural Analysis
+ Industrial Plant Design
+ Industrial Equipment Design

+ Civil & Structural Engineering
+ Environmental Engineering
+ Project Management
+ Contract Administration

Campbell Engineering and Design is a professional engineering and design consultancy, established in 1978 to provide a cost-effective and flexible, technical and management back up to industry.
Full-time staff, employed at our offices in Newtownabbey, use the latest 3D CAD and Analysis software for all design work and stress analysis.
We have a wide range of practical experience in industry, incorporating practically every sector of manufacturing and processing activities as well as a thorough working knowledge of the manufacturing resources available in Northern Ireland and Europe.
In addition to job knowledge and experience of our full-time staff, we maintain a good working relationship with all of the technical and scientific organisations within the UK and IRELAND.
C.E.D. can add an extra dimension to your business – a project engineering and design capability as and when required, or a supplement to your existing engineering team to either provide an independent assessment of a particular problem or to smooth out work loads.
Due to the nature of our business we place great importance on the following factors –
With the product knowledge of our clients teamed with our engineering ‘know-how’ and innovative ability we have made a professional contribution to many difficult developments and problems.


Contact us
For any inquiries, please call: +44 (0)28 9055 1611 or fill out the following form
Head Office
Valley Business Centre
67 Church Road
County Antrim
Northern Ireland
BT36 7LS
Tel: +44 (0)28 9055 1611